Tuesday, October 04, 2005

within a verb

Within a Verb


So I am hiding,

Within a verb,

You know,


Every small drop drowns,

In one bigger ,

But why,

Synthesis ?

Isn’t it strange here?

Crates of masks,

One face,


Breaking new lies again,

Tortured twin existence,

Around me,

Maybe .


Here’s a new line,

“Live naked always”,

Scared introspection,


Sunlight in brass cups,

Captured or afraid ?

Too bright,


Another play curtains it,

Any lines alive ?

Other stories,


A future covered chapter,

Thawed and pungent,

Seed nascent,




Day jobs along the sidewalk,

Scraping dirt, little green murders committed,

My hands look dark, I stare at asphalt,

Above the roar of metal and sunlight, I hear Beethoven.

Over by the lake, the pregnant mud water and smooth,

I slip down; “Here’s the mower…” the sand tastes different on my face,

“A break in two hours…” blue grey eyes, flies swarm over the dead fish,

Monsoons are addictive, “make sure all the weeds are gone…”

Within my legs pain makes families,

Mr. and MRS. Pain and a life of middle class luxury,

I walk into the sunset, only concrete scented and often ecstatic at the freedom,

Subjugation and dreaming, metal soot shovels and silken dragon fly wings.

Another day, I tell myself – the songs are in my head, and my arms are just slaves,

The two lives are in confused tension, which is the mirror and which the reflection?

Within the timeless hours, I find years of dreams, images of futures, possible tomorrows,

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow…”, but tomorrow is already gone.



When was I born? A blue warm placental answer is: always,

Within time questions of instance are relative,

The beginning is a chasm filled uncertainty-

A mellow ray of stranger light: a table for I, me and myself,

A warmer truth doesn’t engulf honesty, or swallow it whole,

Are paths to sensibility paths to conformity: you can’t crawl them,

Teachers I’ve known, contradiction texts and headless ideas,

Learning isn’t intestinal: digestion and perception are mutually exclusive skills.

Words and meaning: harmony routes to existence,

What is imperative? Chaos or subjugation: subtle indentations,

Festival coloring hides cancer skeletons stories: mirror surface living,

Reflections, cadences, query, is that breath or an excuse for questions?

If I wasn’t born, what was I?

A force isn’t accidentally productive; purpose is its parent,

My ends are string tied and semi-lost: if I have ends that is,

A journey isn’t the answer: since I’ve always been born with it.